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When do Babies Walk

When do Babies Walk

When walking begins, everything changes! From rolling and crawling to running and dancing, these milestones are the times parents look forward to. It’s only a matter of time before your baby starts showing the first sign of being able to walk before they tackle...

How to Have a Virtual Baby Shower

How to Have a Virtual Baby Shower

With the continuing COVID-19 epidemic, many expectant moms are planning virtual baby showers instead of in-person parties. While these online celebrations operate somewhat differently, the goal is to celebrate you and your child. It’s time for an online tummy...

Baby Dandruff

Baby Dandruff

The baby’s skin is fragile and delicate, and the skin might quickly get dry and inflamed. Baby dandruff is the term used to describe the dry, flaky skin that appears on an infant’s scalp. Baby dandruff may appear to be a medical disease, but there is no...

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