How to Speed Up Labor After Losing Mucus Plug

If you believe someone is joking about the mucus plug, they aren’t. It’s a genuine issue. So, why haven’t you heard more about it?

Because they are one of the less fascinating elements of pregnancy, many expectant moms do not talk about the mucus plug or bloody show. Many pregnant mommies may go without hearing about the mucus plug or blood-stained display for most of their pregnancy.

If you understand how the mucus plug forms and what it’s for, you’ll be better prepared for your pregnancy since the mucus plug performs various vital tasks.

If you believe someone is joking about the mucus plug, they aren’t. It’s a genuine issue. So, why haven’t you heard more about it?

Because they are one of the less fascinating elements of pregnancy, many expectant moms do not talk about the mucus plug or bloody show. Many pregnant mommies may go without hearing about the mucus plug or blood-stained display for most of their pregnancy.

If you understand how the mucus plug forms and what it’s for, you’ll be better prepared for your pregnancy since the mucus plug performs various vital tasks.

The cervical canal’s mucus plug is a protection deposit of mucus. The cervix creates a thick, jelly-like substance to keep the area wet and secured throughout pregnancy. As this liquid accumulates and secures the cervical canal, it forms an extensive mucous collection. The mucus plug is a barrier, preventing disease-causing germs and other sources of infection from entering your uterus.

When a mucus plug is removed from the uterus during pregnancy, it may be a prelude to giving birth. The mucus plug is discharged into the vaginal canal as the cervix opens wider in preparation for delivery.

The time between the loss of the mucus plug and delivery varies. Some women who pass an obvious mucus plug go into labor within hours or days, while others may take weeks.

What Causes Mucus Plug to Fall Out

There are a few factors that cause you to expel your mucus plug:

Cervix Softening/Opening: When your cervix softens and lengthens (opens) to prepare for delivery, this may cause your mucus plug to exit your vagina. It’s getting ready for the kid to pass through.

Sex: It’s usually not harmful to have sex while pregnant. In the last weeks of maternity, sexual intercourse can loosen the mucus plug. This is fine if you’re greater than 37 weeks pregnant. Losing the mucus plug prematurely is the more significant concern.

Cervical Examination: Your doctor may check your cervix during a prenatal checkup. The test might stretch or irritate your cervix. This can cause the mucus plug to fall off.

If you believe you’ve lost your mucus plug and are less than 37 weeks pregnant, please contact your health care provider. They may be concerned and want to check your cervix further.

What Does it Mean if the Mucus Plug Falls Out?

The after-effects of releasing your mucous plug are varied for each person. The experience is influenced, in part, by the timing of the mucus plug’s formation and any other labor or pre-labor indicators you may be experiencing.

A mucous plug is typically expelled from week 37 of pregnancy, which is a typical precursor to labor. It may still be many weeks before labor begins, however.

If you lose your mucus plug without any 

other symptoms, tell your doctor at your next prenatal checkup. Do not wait to connect if you are having difficulties of any kind.

Keep your doctor updated and let them know if you have a question or problem. By doing this, they can speak with you about various other indicators of labor progress and whether delivery is near or not.

If you’re curious about the length of time after a mucous plug is lost before labor begins, remember that other signs suggest that delivery will soon begin. These are just some of them:

Baby Dropping happens as the baby’s head sinks lower into the pelvis. This generally occurs towards the end of the third trimester, indicating that birth is getting more specific. You may have to urinate more often once the kid has gone down. This is because, in this lower position, the infant is pushing on your bladder harder.

Effacement This is necessary to get the cervix ready to be sent. The cervix grows shorter, thinner, and more flexible. This is another sign that the baby is on its way.

Water Splitting The amniotic sac breaking is one of the most common indications that labor is on its way. The amniotic sac surrounds the fetus and cracks when it ruptures, indicating that labor is approaching or has already begun. The fluids may discharge in a single spurt or in drips.

Dilation The C-shaped opening of the cervix allows the baby to pass through, and its size (dilation) and shape (effacement) are both utilized to assess how close you are to delivery. When your body is ready to start pushing out the kid, how dilated you are showing. The cervix is generally prepared to start pressing when it has expanded to 10 cm. Remember that, before labor begins, you may be several centimeters dilated for many weeks.

Contractions The uterus generates contractions to assist in the downward displacement of the baby. Contractions become more powerful and frequent as distribution approaches. You’ll want to note how far apart they are when they begin happening regularly. It’s time to go to the health center if your contractions are getting more robust and more powerful, which is when you should pack your bag and depart.

Although the expulsion of the mucus plug is not a reliable indicator of labor on its own, it should not be overlooked. It’s vital to consider when it’ll happen in conjunction with other signs of labor.

How to Tell When Your Mucus Plug has Fallen Out

Vaginal discharge may be found in any woman throughout pregnancy, so determining when the mucus plug has been ejected from the cervix might be difficult. A mucus plug, on the other hand, can appear stringy or thick and jelly-like in comparison to normal vaginal discharges. The mucus plug may be clear, pink, or somewhat bloody in color.

During pregnancy, you may lose your mucous plug for various reasons. The mucus plug is frequently discharged as a result of the cervix softening. The mucous plug isn’t as firmly attached to the cervix because it is not yet fully ripe or thin and large in preparation for childbirth. As a result, the mucous plug isn’t as firmly held in place and may be released.

After a cervical check, some expectant moms may shed their mucus plug, which might cause the mucous plug to loosen and break.

Losing your mucous plug does not always signal that labor is approaching. It usually signals that your body and cervix are undergoing significant adjustments to prepare you for giving birth. Your cervix will soften and dilate eventually, allowing your baby to pass through the cervical canal during delivery.

What To Do After Shedding Mucus Plug

Your following actions are contingent on the appearance of your mucous plug and how far along you are in your pregnancy. If you can see your mucus plug or what you believe might be your mucus plug, consider how to describe it to your doctor in terms of size, color, and overall look.

Following are several descriptions that may assist your doctor in directing you on what to do next.

Less Than 36 Weeks Eexpecting

Call your doctor to let them know you believe you’ve lost your mucus plug. If your healthcare provider worries that it’s too early in your pregnancy to lose your mucous plug, they may advise you to visit sooner. They might wish to examine both your baby and your cervix.

After 37 Weeks Expecting

Losing your mucus plug should not be cause for concern if you’re more than 37 weeks pregnant and don’t have any signs or symptoms that worry you. If you don’t have any other worrisome symptoms, call your doctor or notify your next visit.

Always call your medical professional if you are unsure whether or not to contact them during pregnancy. Like all of us, your doctor wishes for you and your kid to be healthy and balanced, which is why they want safe delivery to both of you at any time.

Your doctor may advise you to keep an eye out for indicators of labor, such as contractions that become more frequent and stronger with each other. If you continue to have discharge, you might want to use a panty liner or pad for protection.

How to Speed Up Labor After Losing Your Mucus Plug


There are stress areas on the body that may be employed to induce labor or alleviate pain during delivery:

SP6 Factor

The fourth cubital vein is located on the internal leg, 4 finger sizes above the ankle joint and behind the shin bone. Firmly press your thumb and massage in a circular motion using firm pressure.

BL32 Point

This is the most effective method if you want your partner to assist you.

From the top of your butt crack and right in between your two buttocks dimples, it’s located at the center of your backside. Step forward with one foot with your first finger extended from the idea to the middle knuckle.

Place the knuckle on the top of the butt split and apply stress sideways where your finger rests. You’re seeking hollows that are firm yet soft. Firmly apply pressure with your thumbs.

LI4 Factor

The fourth point is the fleshy part of your hand between the thumb and first finger. With each other, softly press all of your fingers and thumb. The fleshy portion that protrudes somewhat between your thumb and finger is called the LI4 factor. Use stress to that area by opening up your palm and applying pressure.

Drink Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

What can Red Raspberry Fallen Leaves Tea do?

➣ Provide a boost of antioxidants and vital nutrients to expecting moms.

➣ Strengthen as well as tone the womb.

➣ It might cause contractions.

➣ Encourages a quicker, healthier birth.

➣ Give a boost to your postpartum recovery.

I’ve taken RRLT during two pregnancies. I drank 1 cup each day; in the second trimester, I drank 2 mugs each day. And in the third trimester, 3 mugs each day. I took it to the clinic with me when I was there to give birth so that I could relax and enjoy it.

If you haven’t been drinking it and are past your due date, start with 1 cup to try to induce contractions.

Stimulate Your Nipples

Take precautions- this is one approach to creating labor that really works!

According to a study, half of all women who tried nipple stimulation went into labor the next day. By 2 days after attempting nipple stimulation, 37.5 percent of ladies had gone into labor. It is effective! So make the most of it!

Consume a Whole Pineapple

They really mean that you should eat 7 or 8 whole pineapples to get the same results as bromelain (which can trigger labor.) But don’t do it, and you’ll get an upset stomach, and you may experience a variety of other negative consequences.

Take pleasure in a bit of pineapple, which may help you induce labor, but avoid overeating just to start it.

Consume Dates

Consuming 6 dates each day for the four weeks leading up to giving birth can help you get into labor sooner and enhance cervical dilation.

They discovered in a study that women who ate on days 4 weeks before the delivery had a shorter unrealized phase of labor (510 minutes) than those who didn’t eat (906 minutes). Get your hands on some actual, juicy, and FRESH dates to crunch on as a healthy snack and induce labor!

Do Some Labor Generating Exercises

Squats, lunges, and birthing balls- oh my! These are the trifecta of causing labor. I recall leaping across the living room or doing a lot of squats late in pregnancy when I was younger. “How long should I do squats to induce labor?” you might be wondering. The answer is still lengthy if you can not!

Don’t try to do a hundred squats right away. If you’ve never done a squat before, don’t start with 100. Start with 10 and work your way up from there.

Make Love

Yes, prostaglandins are present in sperm. Although the question of whether prostaglandins induce labor is still being researched, there’s nothing wrong with experimenting with it.
Having an orgasm can also stimulate uterine contractions.

Try Clary Sage Oil

With caution, Clary Sage essential oil should be used only during the first 39 weeks of pregnancy. Before attempting anything in pregnancy, speak to your doctor regularly.

By incorporating it into a carrier oil, uterine contractions can be induced using Clary Sage. Combine many declines in a liquid carrier and massage onto your tummy. Drop as many decreases on a cotton ball as well, then take several deep breaths.

Use a Birthing Ball

The balls can assist you in opening up your hips while encouraging the baby to descend. They’re also beneficial for all of the discomforts and aches that come with pregnancy!

The ball is designed to stimulate the pelvic floor muscles responsible for many of your pelvic and abdominal functions. When you complete some exercises during pregnancy, these muscles will be weakened by labor.

➣ Bounce on the birth ball for a few seconds at a time.

➣ Sit on the birthing ball and rotate your hips in a circle while maintaining contact with the sphere.

➣ Hold the birth ball straight out in front of you and, as you squat, raise it above your head. Repeat as needed

What to Avoid After Losing Mucus Plug

Your mucous plug served as an extra layer of protection. Even though the mucus plug has vanished, your child may not be exposed to infections because of it. If you have not yet damaged your water, your infant will still have a bag of water to use for protection.

While your child is still protected, there are some measures you should take to be sure infection does not travel from one person to another.

➣ Avoid sexual activity: Having sex after losing your mucus plug can allow bacteria or infection to spread from the vaginal area into the uterus.
➣ Avoid swimming or bathing: Bathing is acceptable under certain circumstances if you aren’t putting soaps or other goods into the water, but it’s best to avoid it.
➣ Focus on individual hygiene: To keep germs at bay, change your underclothing once or twice a week.

Remove anything that might cause infection from your home.

When Should You Consult Your Doctor?

Contact your doctor if you shed more than a tablespoon of blood when your mucous plug forms. Placenta previa or placental abruption may be underlying issues if you lose more than one tbsp of blood.

Placenta previa occurs when the placenta begins in the lower half of your uterus, entirely or partially covering the cervix. This condition is rarely painful and affects about one in 200 deliveries. Placenta previa is discovered through a routine ultrasound in the second trimester, or it may be identified as the result of a lady’s blood loss during pregnancy. Even when you don’t notice any discomfort, significant blood loss is usually linked.

Placental abruption can also be linked to the loss of the mucus plug and the discovery of much copious blood. The bleeding associated with this is significant, and you will feel great agony.
Placental abruption is the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall surface. It can potentially be harmful to mother and child; therefore, immediate medical help is necessary.

The loss of your mucus plug is usually accompanied by blood. You should be concerned if the amount of blood spilled appears to be more than a tablespoon. You don’t need to visit your doctor if the quantity is less than one teaspoon.

Final Thought Losing Mucus Plug

The mucus plug is a gelatinous membrane layer that is a barrier between your baby and the outside world. It thins month by month until you eventually lose it.

After 37 weeks of pregnancy, your mucous plug must come out. If it happens sooner, see your doctor.

Shedding a mucous plug is rarely painful, and you may not even realize it has come out! However, once the plug is removed, it should only refer to hours or days before your labor begins.

It is typical to detect some blood within your mucus plug, but shedding more than one tablespoon of blood is a warning sign. Unless there is a lot of blood, you seldom need to inform your doctor about the loss of your mucus plug.